[Case Study] Branded PPC Campaign

Branded PPC campaigns involve bidding on keywords based on your brand or company name. For some people, it can seem counterintuitive paying for clicks that you can get for free organically but you can’t always rely on your organic ranking to get consistent results.

This particular client was running a branded campaign on Google Ads to capture those important branded searches and asked me to optimise the campaign performance.

So here I’ll share some of the steps I took that resulted in the number of conversions more than doubling and the rate of conversions increasing nearly four times over.

The starting point

This client was questioning the value in running a brand campaign when they were also putting their efforts into SEO so I had to get great results that would prove the worth of the campaign.

The changes made

  • Streamlined the campaign structure to avoid potential cannibalisation & paused really poor performing ad groups
  • Paused low performing keywords, found new keyword opportunities, and added negative keywords
  • Reworked & refreshed ad copy to include the brand name and proposition
  • Added relevant keywords to the ad copy & a clear call-to-action
  • Added callout & sitelink extensions to make the most of Google Ad’s features

The results

  • Conversions increased by 163%
  • Cost per conversion decreased 73.52% from £2.52 to £0.67
  • Conversion rate jumped up from 7.8% to 27.71%
  • Total campaign cost was cut by 43.62%

A successful PPC campaign overhaul


This campaign optimisation definitely achieved its objectives. While the client was initially skeptical about continuing with a branded PPC campaign, the results convinced them that putting some of their budget into branded campaigns was definitely worthwhile.

If you need help running your Google Ads campaigns, get in touch to discuss my PPC management service.